Islam's Objective is The welfare and Happiness for Humanity. Allah has Given me Inspiration How to Follow Islam Correctly in 21st Century from Old Islamic tradition,such as; Beheading, Flogging People at Front Public etc To Modern Interpretation. Allah will not Change the Condition if You do not Change it by Your self. Q.13;11. Please Join My Spiritual Interpretation of Al Quran.
I keep reminding, because reminding benefits the believers. Quran.. 51;55
Alif, Lam, Ra. 1 This is a book We have sent down to you, so that you may deliver the people, with the will of their Lord, out of all sorts of darkness into the light, leading them to the path of the Almighty, the Praiseworthy (1). Quran.14;1
Based on al Quran the Arabs were a nation that often had conflicts, hostility, kidnappings and civil-wars caused by different ethnicities and religious beliefs. They killed their children foolishly, due to their lack of knowledge
QS 6;140. A man could marry women more than four QS.4:3,
many women became slaves, and can be traded etc. QS.24:33
Theywere at the brink of a pit of Fire.QS 3;103.
Imagine how Arab people made a house? They made house from skin of animal, It was not real house but just a tent, moveable, QS.16;80-81.
They moved from one place to another place. During Muhammad’s (pbuh) time there was no police to guard people, there were no hospitals to go to when people got sick, also there was no hospitals for animals, no telephones, buses and electricity. It was very difficult to find water for bathing and washing dirty clothes. They lived in desert. When strong winds come up in the desert, the hot sand can damage human skin and eyes.
Therefore Allah and the Prophet Muhammad asked women to cover their entire body with a cloth. Women are forbidden to go outside without accompanied by her brother or husband.
So Burqa, Hijab, Veil is not the code of Islamic dress, but the Arab traditional dress who live in desert at ancient time.
How to follow Allah and Sunnah or the life of Muhammad saw) professionally as a role model for Muslim in this 21st Century?
The Prophet Muhammad was a perfect man in the context of his time, We do not need to follow his actions in a literal sense, but, only in the context of our time.
If Muslims still follow the ancient Islamic law as above, do you think Muslim can pursue their dream? No!
Can Muslim man and woman make great progress and produce super works of science, culture, art and aesthetics, as well as Islam in the best way, and thus represent to the world.
Think about that?
How ever Arab people feel so proud to uphold their ancestor tradition from one generation to the next generation.
Nowadays, Saudi Arabia still ban women to drive car, women have to have a guardian when she go outside. Its unbelievable, women still treat inequality with men.
Does Muslims around the world have to follow the ancient Islamic tradition such as above ? Or can the ancient Islamic tradition be reformed in 21st Century? My spiritual say that, "Yes", "Must".Allah will not change your condition,if you do not change by yourself.
How Muslims Observe Eid Al-Adha, The Feast Of Sacrifice
Eid al-Adha, also called the Festival of Sacrifice, falls on Monday, Sept. 12, 2016 in North America. It is one of two annual feast festivals Muslims celebrate and coincides with the annual pilgrimage to Meccaknown as the hajj.
The timing of the holiday depends on when Saudi Arabian religious authorities see the new moon at the start of the Dhu al-Hijjah month, according to the Islamic calendar. For weeks, some U.S. Muslim leaders worried it would fall on Sept. 11, raising concerns that non-Muslims might misinterpret celebrations occurring on the solemn anniversary of the 2001 al Qaeda attacks.
Those fears dissipated in early September when authorities announced the holiday would take place on Sept. 12.
Muslims celebrate the Eid al-Adha to commemorate Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son Ishmael in obedience to God in scripture. Today, celebrants frequently mark the day by slaughtering animals to feed the poor.
Bangladeshi Muslims purchase cattle to sacrifice for Eid al-Adha.
According to the Quran, when Ishmael (known as Isma’el in Arabic) was 13, his father, Abraham, or Ibrahim, began having dreams in which God instructed him to sacrifice Ishmael (Quran Surah 37). Unbelievable as the dreams were, Abraham decided to follow Allah’s instructions — but not before asking Ishmael if he would agree to this.
Liberal Muslim do not agree where Muslims slaughter animals at front of Children? Because will harm Children’s behavior / their soul when they see the fresh blood come out from animals.
Most of Muslim around the world still follow the ancient Islamic tradition who lack of knowledge of health.
Does Muslim still follow the ancient Arab tradition ?
Or does Muslim agree to slaughter animal at Slaughterhouses?
We live in 21st century, modernity, technology and science. Can we change or reform the sunnah or the way Prophet Muhammad (saw) slaughter animal for Eid Al Adha, 1400 years ago?
Conclusion; The general guidance in Islam as follow; Definition of lawful ( Halal) and unlawful (Haram ) as Allah and Prophet Muhammad (saw) said in Holy Quran; Allows them as lawful what is good and prohibits them from what is bad. QS 7;157. ( It is very logical religion.) Health Department has authority to declare, what food / drink is good, not harm people health, and what food, drink are bad for people health. In 21th Century Islamic clerics do not has authority to declare it, because Clerics lack of knowledge about foods and drinks. Except at time of prophet Muhammad pbuh 1450 years ago, Clerics had authority to declare "haram or halal" of foods and drinks.
For You From My Heart.
Most of Muslim around the world have been brainwashed by the ancient Islamic clerics, like Imam Muslim, Bukhari etc. Allah condemn and curse who discriminate against non Muslim in the name of religion.
And keep reminding, because reminding benefits the believers. QS. 51;55.
And if you obey most of those on the earth, they will mislead you far away from Allâh's Path. They follow nothing but conjectures, and they do nothing but lie.Q. 6:116
I urge you to watch this video before you proceed it. It is very interesting to investigate and learn it.
Christianity, Islam, and Pork: How Zakir Naik Destroyed Muhammad
You may be sure that wisdom is good for your soul.Get wisdom and you have a bright future.Wisdom is offers you long life as well as wealth and honor. Wisdom can make your life pleasant and lead you safely through it
Alif, Lam, Ra. 1 This is a book We have sent down to you, so that you may deliver the people, with the will of their Lord, out of all sorts of darkness into the light, leading them to the path of the Almighty, the Praiseworthy (1)Quran.14;1.
Based on al Quran the Arabs were a nation that often had conflicts, hostility, kidnappings and civil-wars caused by different ethnicities and religious beliefs. They killed their children foolishly, due to their lack of knowledge
QS 6;140. A man could marry women more than four QS.4:3,
many women became slaves, and can be traded etc. QS.24:33
Theywere at the brink of a pit of Fire.QS 3;103.
Imagine how Arab people made a house? They made house from skin of animal, It was not real house but just a tent, moveable, QS.16;80-81.
They moved from one place to another place. During Muhammad’s (pbuh) time there was no police to guard people, there were no hospitals to go to when people got sick, also there was no hospitals for animals, no telephones, buses and electricity. It was very difficult to find water for bathing and washing dirty clothes. They lived in desert. When strong winds come up in the desert, the hot sand can damage human skin and eyes.
Therefore Allah and the Prophet Muhammad asked women to cover their entire body with a cloth. Women are forbidden to go outside without accompanied by her brother or husband.
So Burqa, Hijab, Veil is not the code of Islamic dress, but the Arab traditional dress who live in desert at ancient time.
How to follow Allah and Sunnah or the life of Muhammad saw) professionally as a role model for Muslim in this 21st Century?
The Prophet Muhammad was a perfect man in the context of his time, We do not need to follow his actions in a literal sense, but, only in the context of our time.
If Muslims still follow the ancient Islamic law as above, do you think Muslim can pursue their dream? No!
Can Muslim man and woman make great progress and produce super works of science, culture, art and aesthetics, as well as Islam in the best way, and thus represent to the world.
Think about that?
How ever Arab people feel so proud to uphold their ancestor tradition from one generation to the next generation.
Nowadays, Saudi Arabia still ban women to drive car, women have to have a guardian when she go outside. Its unbelievable, women still treat inequality with men.
Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people
until they change it themselves (with their own soul ) . Q.13:11.
You may be sure that wisdom is good for your soul.Get wisdom and you have a bright future.Wisdom is offers you long life as well as wealth and honor. Wisdom can make your life pleasant and lead you safely through it
AL Quran is The True Guidance of God.
Islam (al Quran, ) teach ; peace, love, compassion, tolerance, forgiveness, justice for all, equality, human right, liberty and freedom of religion, speech, expression, and prosperity. Islam is mercy for all mankind. QS.21:107.
Those who follow Islamic teaching correctly, Muslim will be a good Muslim, lovely Muslim, tolerant Muslim, rich Muslim, generous Muslim, treat all people equally, fairly, Modern Muslim, and the will be rewarded by Allah TWO Paradise. One on earth, second Hereafter. this Muslim will be named a the best Creature on earth. Guran .
The Book of Hadith.
The book of Hadith is not the word of Allah but men's word. those who follow the book of Hadith blindly will go astray and fall into sinful Syrik. Muslim will go back to the Dark ages.
Extremist Muslim use the book of Hadith to justify their act of killing innocent, Children, women and old people like; blasphemer, apostasy, heresy, gay-lesbian, infidel etc. So the book of Hadith create violence, conflict, poverty, millions innocent people around the world have been suffering, displacing and killed by Muslim's hands. Nauzubillah, I am so sad, pity, heartbreaking, and embarrassing too..
What is Halal Foods.
Halal is an Arabic word meaning permissible / lawful. Halal products are typically known as being pork free, alcohol free, and for the specific method of slaughter. The animal should not be stunned, but killed by a cut to its throat, and the procedure must be "performed by a Muslim."
They ask you about intoxicants and gambling: say, "In them there is a gross sin, and some benefits for the people. But their sinfulness far outweighs their benefit." They also ask you what to give to charity: say, "The excess." GOD thus clarifies the revelations for you, that you may reflect. QS 2;219
He only prohibits for you the eating of animals that die of themselves (without human interference), blood, the meat of pigs, and animals dedicated to other than GOD. If one is forced (to eat these), without being malicious or deliberate, he incurs no sin. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful. [QS.2:173] [QS.5:3] QS. (5:90-91.
The ancient Cleric’s interpretation; Often we hear these days, from extremist clerics that all foods that contain alcohol and meat of pig even a small amount are prohibited according their interpretation of Islam. The animal should not be stunned, but killed by a cut to its throat, and the procedure must be "performed by a Muslim." The producers are not involved with alcohol or pork.( non Muslim forbid to work at producing line ) The suspicion is that you may contaminate the produce. In Brunei, even the cook preparing the meal must be Muslim. At ancient times, often occurred religious conflicts, there were no laboratory, science and technology available to check on animal's health. Can you imagine that Allah’s words were written in animal skin and stone. Therefore, they assumed that the meat of Pig and Alcohol are poison and dangerous for human health.
( Liberal Muslim reject this act; This act is not Islamic, but it is the act of discrimination, ridiculous and outrage. Liberal Muslim should speak up to the world to reject this laws.)
Liberal Muslim / progress Muslim Clerics;Based on God’s laws and the Health experts; Obviously Allah allow Muslim to drink a little bit of Alcohol for a good health as well as meat of Pork. If you drink a lot, can make you drunk, it is haram / harmful, unlawful. If you eat meat of pork a lot will harm your health. It is haram/unlawful. According to health experts people allow to drink a bit of alcohol that good for human health as well as meat pork. Millions non Muslim eat meat pork wisely are fine. Islam teaching is not dogma, but it is logical and scientific.
Allah does not impose difficulties on His people (Muslim) in Islamic religion.Quran 22;78.
In Modern world today, there are many kind of foods and drinks available in Market that not mention in Quran.
Who will be eligible to decide what foods and drinks are harmful (Haram ) or not unharmful (Halal) for human's health. The Health experts or Islamic Clerics?
At ancient times, clerics are eligible to decide it. In modern times, these days, the Health experts will be eligible to decide a harmful / haram foods or drinks or not for human health/ lawful (halal)
The process varies from certifier to certifier, and can sometimes also include ensuring that the producers are not involved with alcohol or pork. ( Non Muslim is forbidden). The suspicion is that you may contaminate the produce. In Brunei, even the cook preparing the meal must be Muslim. ( Allah condemn the act of discrimination in the name of Islam.)
It is very ridiculous of Islamic law. Extremist Clerics are so bigoted. They follow the ancient Islamic clerics from Saudi Arabia blindly. Their hate / harsh attitude toward Christian, Jews etc.
These extremist / bigoted clerics forbid Muslims eat at non Islamic restaurant, forbid non Muslim work at Islamic Bank, or ban non Islamic Bank, forbid non Muslim work at foods manufacturing process, driver, etc. Forbid Muslim to celebrate Christmas day. Forbid Christian to build a Church etc. Forbid women to sit side by side and shake hand with a man, forbid women sing a song at TV, public place. Government or Clerics impose on women to cover their hair, hands and feet in public place. Impose on men to have a long beard, urge a male to do polygamy. Saudi and Iran impose non Muslim women to wear Hijab when she visit Saudi Arabia and Iran.
Extremist Islamic government (Syariah system) impose the ancient punishment in front of public such as; beheading, cut off hand, flogging etc as we see in Saudi Arabia, ISIS, and Taliban. Extremist Muslim reject the system of democracy.
Extremist Muslim ( ISIS) still implement the slavery law in 21st Century.
Whereas Allah has said in Al Quran that Islamic laws relate to the world matter like; the system of government, clothing, Bank system, foods, trading, punishment, slavery, etc can be reformed according to the progress and development of knowledge and culture. But the laws that relate to hablul minallah, spritual matter such as; prayer (shalat ), Fasting, Zakat and Hajji can not be reformed forever.
I am just worry in future, the non Islamic states like United States of America, Europe's countries will do the same. They forbid Muslim women to wear Hijab, Burqa, Burkini at workplace and public place. They forbid Muslim men to have a long beard. They ban to build Mosque etc. Now, we have saw some non Islamic communities in United States of America and in Europe have banned Burqa, Burkini, beard etc.It will big issue now as retaliation. Whereas, as we know that Islam is religion of peace, mercy and tolerance, justice for all, equality, without discrimination against Christian,Jews, Hindu etc. Quran. 42:15. And say ( Muhammad ), “I believe in whatever book Allah has sent down. And I have been ordered to do justice among you(Christian, Jews,Quraish, etc ). Allah is our Lord and your Lord. For us are our deeds, and for you, your deeds. There is no argumentation between us and you. Allah will bring us together, and to Him is the final return.”.
Islam is Religion of Logic, Scientific, and Progress.
This is Al Quran which We have revealed unto you in order that you might lead mankind out of darkness into light by their Lord’s Leave to the Path of the All Mighty, the Owner of all Praise Q.14:1. (From the era primitive life toward the prosperous or Modern life.).
And He will put wrath on those who do not use their mind. QS 10; 100. ( Islam is logic, not Religion of “dogma” like primitive people who live in Jungle or people who lived at time of Prophet Muhammad (saw). They worship and kiss the stone, big tree or other things beside Allah. They thought that the stone can bring blessing to their life.
And such are the Parables We set forth for mankind, but only those understand them who have Knowledge. Q. 29; 43. (Islam is religion of science, progress and Modern, not static religion. Primitive people had less knowledge and science)
Allah has taught Science to Prophet Muhammad (saw).
Glorifying Allah.He merges the night into the day, and He merges the day into the night; and He knows what the hearts contains.7. Believe in God and His Messenger, and spend from what He made you inherit. Those among you who believe and give will have a great reward.Q.57;6-7.
Glory be to Him who created all the pairs; of what the earth produces, and of their own selves, and of what they do not know. Another sign for them is the night: We strip the day out of it-and they are in darkness. And the sun runs towards its destination. Such is the design of the Almighty, the All-Knowing. And the moon: We have disposed it in phases, until it returns like the old twig. The sun is not to overtake the moon, nor is the night to outpace the day. Each floats in an orbit.Q.37-40.
Allah elevates those among you who believe, and those given knowledge, many steps. God is Aware of what you do. Q. 58:11( Allah urge Muslim to pursue knowledge in order he can lead people to Modern life.)
Verily, Allah will not change the condition of People until they change by themselve Q. 13;11.( Muslim should update or reform Islamic laws according to the progress of Science and technology. From the Primitive way of life toward the Modern way of life.)
Definition of lawful ( Halal) and unlawful (Haram ) as Allah and Prophet Muhammad (saw) said in Holy Quran; Allows them as lawful what is good and prohibits them from what is bad. QS 7;157. ( It is very logical religion.)
He has chosen you and has imposed no difficulties on you in religion of Islam. Quran. 22;78. (Only your clerics impose difficulties on you in religion of Islam.)
And such are the Parables We set forth for mankind, but only those understand them who have Knowledge. QS 29; (43). (Clerics lack of knowledge of about health and technology.)
Therefore, we, Muslim really need to change the old interpretation to the Modern interpretation on 21 st. Century.
Muslim should also make great progress and produce super works of science, culture, art and aesthetics, as well as Islam in the best way, and thus represent to the world
These are messages that we must give the children and the next generation.
May Allah guide all my brothers & Sisters to the right path.Amen
“Our Lord, give us Paradise in this world and Paradise in the Hereafter, and save us from the punishment of Fire.”
Quran. 2: (201)
For You from My Heart. All those who read shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; O Allah, be my witness, that I have conveyed your message to your people.